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As at 2025-02-07 05:21 - 724 people signed up, 720 properties installed; 230 Wireless access and 490 full gigabit fibre access. Status Report for Tove Valley Broadband areas:
Abthorpe Broadband Association Limited - a not-for-profit limited by guarantee company - is a volunteer run organisation and has been connecting houses to fibre-optic broadband with up to 1,000Mbps unrestricted symmetrical service to our Members. In late 2023 there were around 500 such connections, funded by the government's Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme. Tove Valley Broadband or TVB as it has come to be known, brings a very fast 10,000Mbps symetrical fibre-optic internet connection into the villages and distributes connections to properties by fibre-optics or by radio. Our service is unrestricted but Members sign up to a "fair use" agreement.